Up High in Miller Knox Park

I climbed the Crest Trail with 30 lb worth of gear and a 18 x 24" canvas with the idea of looking east and painting the marvelous tanks of the Chevron plant, but after spending more than 20 minutes at the top looking for a decent place to paint, I gave up on this plan and looked west again. I went down the switchbacks a bit and found a wonderful pine that allowed me to sit in the shade with this view in front of me. The ground was very steep and I was not very comfortable, so I decided to call it a day after almost two hours. I still ended up painting tanks, but not up close like I originally wanted, maybe I have a craving for basic shapes or something. Rebeca


  1. What a bird's-eye view! What a trouper! I like your skies (lots of energy there) and the darks of the foliage. The sense of depth is very real. I know it looks really silvery most of the time but I lose the bridge and it's height above the water a bit in the middle...Those tanks are really lovely - kudos to Chevron for picking a nice color, eh? My eye is drawn out into the water and the hills beyond by the strong composition. Thanks for posting this - I had no idea what the view was from up there!

  2. Love the clouds and the horizon and sense of being very high looking down with a panoramic view of the distance and huge expanse of water.

  3. I remember the dark blue sky, but not all those clouds, did you add them later or was I not paying attention? I like the clouds, and the color of the storage tanks leading out to the bridge. Those complimentary colors make this painting work, I think.
